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Long range: how to get all-ready ready already.

Oct 3, 2023

Long range: how to get all-ready ready already.

In a nutshell, hitting a target at distance requires a few elements: consistency, accuracy, and precision. The best opportunities come from having all of these in place. Yes, you can get away with having less sometimes, but I like the idea of reliable and consistent hits and knowing how to do that wherever and whenever. To have a platform of equipment capable of providing you the base from which to perform the best, heres my “short list”...
Caliber what?

Oct 2, 2023

Caliber what?

By considering factors such as intended use, game size, recoil tolerance, and ammunition availability, you can make an educated decision and embark on your shooting journey with confidence.
Range Bag Essentials

Oct 1, 2023

Range Bag Essentials

Having a well-equipped range bag is essential for any shooting enthusiast. Remember to include eye and ear protection, targets, ammunition, a cleaning kit, first aid kit, tools, water, snacks, and a notebook / pen. These essentials will make your shooting experience more enjoyable, safe, and convenient; they will also make you an asset for others.
Hunting Season Tuneups

Oct 1, 2023

Hunting Season Tuneups

Precision, Fundamentals, and Accuracy with an upcoming Hunting season in mind. As hunting season approaches, it's es...

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